Our gift shop will resell overstock of your paintings, sculptures, multimedia, jewelry, antiques, collectibles, and small artworks. All sales benefit the MMAC building purchase, maintenance, and improvements. No books or clothing. Tax receipts for your donations are available.
Contact Donna Deiner to drop off donations by either calling 914-325-7588 or email her through the form below.
MMAC accepts donations for our Treasure and Antique Sale held annually on the Saturday of the Mountainair Sunflower Festival. Beginning on August 1st, we accept donated items valued at $10 or more. If you have new or used items such as art, jewelry, furniture, household items, antiques, etc., deliver them to 101 E Broadway, Mountainair, New Mexico Tuesday–Thursday or Saturday between 11 am–4 pm. Tax receipts for your donations are available. All donations benefit the Manzano Mountain Art Council.